
Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign; ArcGIS Pro, Online, and StoryMaps; CSS, HTML, and JavaScript; Git and Github; Mapbox Studio; QGIS; R and RStudio; SQL


University of Wisconsin-Madison, graduated May 2023

  • BA People-Environment Geography and Anthropology
  • Relevant coursework in cartography/GIS, spatial analysis, graphic design, map art, UI/UX design, statistics, environmental studies, archaeology, and museum studies

Work and Professional Experience

Geospatial Technician at Mandli Communications (November 2023 - present)

  • Post-processing geospatial and GPS data for Mandli's various projects around the country
  • Determining what orthographic projections are appropriate to use for certain data depending on the area of data collection and contract standards
  • Adjusting SQL database values and editing highway facility type using shapefiles in QGIS
  • Assessing vehicle system quality, including cameras, LiDAR, and GPS, by collecting geospatial data in the Fitchburg area

Student Archaeologist at Achill Island Field School (June - July 2023)

  • Executed Phase I-III archaeological processes at a nineteenth-century house site
  • Identified and recorded artifacts, features, contexts, and structures while maintaining accurate field logs and photographing progress
  • Used QGIS to work with vector and raster data, create thematic maps, and georeference archaeological documentation related to the excavation

Library Assistant at Kohler Art Library (June 2022 - June 2023)

  • Provided customer service to library patrons at the circulation desk and over the phone
  • Helped patrons with tasks such as checking out library materials, locating materials, handling sensitive materials, and using the library technology
  • Contributed ideas for the library social media, physical in-library displays, and promotional flyers

Anthropology Collection Student Intern (January - May 2023)

  • Designed, curated, and implemented a case exhibit in the Sewell Social Sciences building under direction of curator Elizabeth Leith
  • Curated information, text, graphics, and artifacts to fit a specific theme
  • Selected and handled objects throughout various anthropology collection areas following best practice guidelines for handling artifacts


  • 1st Place, UW-Madison 2023 Barbara Bartz Petchenik Undergraduate Award in Cartographic Design

  • Presentations

  • “Fast Fashion’s Effects on College-Aged Women: A Case Study of UW-Madison,” UW-Madison Geography Undergraduate Colloquium, Madison, WI, December 2022.